I am INDEPENDENT SERVICE, I WILL MAKE SURE THAT YOU WILL GET COMPLETE SATISFACTION. 1 hour 1 shot 10K. 3 hours 2 shot 20K. Full night 3 Sessions 25K. Service: We Believe In Customer's Satisfaction And Long-Term Relation With Our Clients So Our Profiles Provides You All-Round Services.( NO ANAL SERVICE). Time passes people photo collectors and if you can't afford 10K then stay away from my profile. Please ignore the negative review, It's a false statement. Haven't met him/her anytime in my life.
Only adults are allowed to post availability notices on this website for other adults. Any service rendered or any event that may occur is a private matter between two consenting adults and their shared decision. You must follow local laws because, in India, it is against the law for individuals to do so.